Personal Resilience Self Coaching Program

Personal Resilience Self Coaching Program

Over the last few years the Institute for Tourism Leadership Australia has worked extensively in the resilience space. This was in response to adverse events in Australia such as cyclones, bushfires and floods. COVID-19 made us realise that there is an even greater global need for personal resilience.

We believe that:

"Resilience is not a trait that people either have or do not have. It involves behaviours, thoughts, and actions that can be learned and developed in anyone" (McDonald et al., 2012).

During COVID-19 we observed that, against Rossouw's 6 Domains of Resilience model, people who did not stay composed, stick to a vision and reason clearly, become the most affected as health, tenacity and collaboration fell away as well. This reinforced an emerging mantra when dealing with badly affected business owners and professionals:

"It's not the challenge in front of you but how you react to it."

Whilst designing this we were given a serendipitous but timely reminder from a respected world figure:

"If you can't fly then run, if you can't run then walk, if you can't walk then crawl, but whatever you do, you have to keep moving forward." (Martin Luther King Jr.)

"Resilience describes the ability to 'bounce back', to recover and respond with commitment and optimism."

What do I get?

  • A comprehensive, integrated Personal Resilience Self Coaching course
  • Access to 8 short videos for each of the 8 modules
  • Access to an 80 page manual
  • Positive Psychology life tools for each of the 8 modules to use now and for use anytime into the future
  • Additional coaching option available
  • Corporate packages available
Institute Of Tourism Leadership TL BW 30 Recrop

Program Overview

This self paced and reflective  program allows you to develop a range of skills and mindsets that have been highlighted to be the most important throughout crisis situations such as COVID19. The program covers 8 modules, with the concepts and ideas for each module introduced by a video and supported by reflection and assessment tools to guide your learning. The modules and each of their tools are shown below.

  • Personal Resilience Self Assessment
  • 7 Mindsets Self Assessment

How to Complete the Program

  1. View the video for each of the 8 modules.
  2. Pace yourself about 1-2 weeks apart for each module.
  3. Complete the tools for each module and reflect and practice.
  4. In using the self assessments or positive psychology tools, we encourage you to identify your enduring strengths and growth areas.
  5. Complete Module Eight whereby you develop your own Personal Resilience Plan.

Program Pricing

Personal Resilience Self Coaching Course
Including access to 8 short video modules and an 80 page manual


Corporate Packages
For those registering 20+ employees in the Personal Resilience Self Coaching Course


Additional Coaching Sessions
Access to the Personal Resilience Self Coaching Course + 2 coaching sessions
